life is full of ups and downs... the path of friendship has many fork roads... choose the right one and it will never end...

<2/3 '03>
amanda lim
carrie ann mathews
emily joo- da jie
grace lu- er jie
gretchen goh
jessica tan- daughter
jessica wong- granddaughter
jun chyi- darling chin chye
majella- maid aka ah ma jelly
petrina tan
wei lin
<3/3 '04>
andrea dragon- bathing partner!
cheryn tan
jeslynn seah- netball cum rugby mate?!
<8 ij prefects>
carol nguyen
charleen neo- darling granddaughter
cheryl goh
gillian goh
michelle law- aka mushu
yin ting
yu pei
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sweet nothings(smilies)

Monday, March 14, 2005

hellos. haha guess wad. i'm gonna like update on self-awareness, now. lols. it's like bout a week has passed. but oh wells.

friday. hmm from sch had talk with mrs mathews and taking of loads and loads of pictures. maybe u guys dunno. i hate taking pictures. but that day.... exception larhs. and must take with my darling.. heh. took quite a number with ethel, nicole y, drea, lam, emily. actually took quite alot with lam. haha. since morning ado has been our professional photographer. but she refuses to take photos. for very personal reasons. lols. there were so many ppl with cameras! our combined 'class photo' at the stage in st mic's canteen was so tedious. haha. den we had one at the staircase outside the pe room. dunno who arh, trying to strip my shoulder bare. tsk tsk. hahaha. yups

the bus journey was kinda short. doing rubbish like learning how to play that instrument thingy. dunno wad it's called larhs. hmm den sang some hymns, basically it's only the few of us at the back:clara, nic s, andrea, pear, joan, ethel, nicole yong, me. couldn't decide which dorm to take. heh. in the end headed for 4th floor. my darling and friday slept beside me. den friday went to the 3rd floor dorm and emily came up. in the end it made no difference cos we shifted emily's and my bed to join den four of us: me, jc, xt and emily slept together.

went for the sessions. well. it's quite okay larhs. went into groups den played dunno wad computer thingy. but my group rawks. lols. we were the ones with 'clean' records. den we had this game where u write down 3-4 things u like bout urself, and ur partner. my parnter was dern. hers so easy. lols. i found it hard to write lehs. they were disturbing me!!!!! i shall not say it here, lest ppl read it. hmph is all i wanna say. den got into another group horizontally across our own groups. haha dun think u all get this but nvm. ethel and cheryn and denise was in my group. that's all i can rmb. ethel was the observer. she was like supposed to make sure we dun communicate while playing the game.. had to make 5 smiliar squares among five of us with triangles. alamak gtg eat lunch, grandma's treating cos she struck lottery. lols. will continue when i'm back.

me to you @ 11:22 AM
Sunday, March 06, 2005

whoa. it's like 20th feb since i've updated. so sorry. very busy and well. still busy. haha lol. ohh. and i apologise for causing so much disruption during the camp cos of my gastric. yea. camp's really great larhs. excluding the part that i'm sick. yeap. i'll fill in the details another day. have to go study and do hw. -sighs- i'm tired of eating.

happy birthday to my darling junchyi!

take care!
of yourself. and i just wanna say i love you dear. =)

me to you @ 10:53 AM
Sunday, February 20, 2005

hello everybody! i know i havent been updating i'm so sorry..... no time larhs. or maybe just bad time management.

thurs-haha me and lam did a stupid thing. i guess some of u shld know wad i'm saying. yea. went out for lunch with grace, emily, jelly, germaine and junchyi. ate macs. i realised how long i havent eaten it since i dun even know wad the lady was talking about when she asked me whether i wanted a students' meal anot. heee. den went for tuition with kenli. and we're not exactly wad u can describe as quiet..... but the pple there were REALLY noisy. till me and kenli became super quiet. hahahaha. couldnt hear wadeva we tried to tell one another though i was almost talking to her ear. that's how noisy the class was. =)

fri-match against SCGS lost. as many would have known. 5-0 somemore. but i guess it's okay. since i played well and the whole team fought quite hard. if not coach would've exploded. yup. disappointment is well obviously unevitable. but it's okie. cos that's only the quarter-finals. mon's the semis. for those who are interested, which i doubt but anyway, it's at kuo chuan P. high. yepps. hmmm.... i suddenly forgot wad day it is today. wait i go check with someone. hahaha oh it's sunday.

sat- busy day. had tuition in the morning. then went for training. wanna dieeee.... and THEN i went home for house-warming.... was so HUNGRY..... but i dint like the food unfortunately. i get hungry okies. dun make it sound like it's near impossible to get me hungry. =( yupp.... den stoned and talked to my beloved and msged..... and then i went online.... for a while.... to tag and everything..... and at past 240 i slept.... yup....

and now i'm here.... i'm so warm..... my cousin and bro refuse to let me have the fan.... i feel lethargic... ahhhs i have two assignments, two compos(one chinese one english), and chinese ca to learn!!!!! oh shoots! i better go.... love you guys.... esp you know who! =) tc. =huggies=

me to you @ 11:29 AM
Tuesday, February 15, 2005

hey pple.... not feeling that well larhs... so nvr go to sch... oh my... i've yet to finish studying chem.... happy belated vday guys....

happy birthday ethel!
since u like pink so much.... anyways.... hope u had a great birthday! i gtg now... sorry for the super short entry.... love loads... =)

me to you @ 9:27 PM
Friday, February 11, 2005

today's a super boring day.... almost died seriously! NINE people were absent today.... tsk tsk.... all pon right? hahah just kidding.... training was okay i guess.... compared to the last two.... but i'm super wet now?! ewww that sounds quite sick.... yuck.... talking bout sick... jc u shld get me.... YUCK! i dun wanna blog anymore.... i'm tired and everything.... tmr got tuition from 9-1.... sian....

hey you.... do u know u suck alot? i hate u.... for all the small underhand methods u use just to win? why are u such a hypocrite? i hate pple who are fake.... maybe i dunno u that well.... i'm so sorry i dun have ANY positive feelings towards u? too bad.... we just dont click.... i dun think it ended cos i dun think we ever started? and will never? why am i even bloggin bout u... u're not worthy of it....... i wish u will get out of my life.... but i know u will not; at least not so soon...

me to you @ 8:18 PM
Wednesday, February 09, 2005

darling- you're not petty larhs.... but must tag!!! i signed a super long entry.... hee to make up for three days? see i'm so nice to you k.... =)) love ya loads gurl! =huggies=

denise- hey thanks for tagging.... hahaha u dint have to spell it out at her gb wad..... i dint ask u to do that anyway.... haha maybe next time when i ask u to go tag i'll change the loving sherms for the time being? hahaha.... tc. love.

hana- yah i DO update.... sheesh must come and tag again soon kiaz? as a matter of fact i'd rather ms yap than u..... just kidding.... hahahah.... see ya arnd....

clara!- hey gurl! u actually come and tag!!! yay! anyways i dun really talk bout her wad.... just happen that these 2 weeks i've been getting gastric.... wadeva.... she wont think that way.... only u will..... tc k? love.

lam- heyoz! enjoy yourself in hongkong and collect loads of angbaos k? hahaha.... most importantly be safe k? wad do u mean by everyone's weird huh? heh when u come back better tag! takecares! love.

Paolo_J- er... i know u?

hey guys! oh my.... three days of not coming online felt like eternity..... haha but at least got my darling's msges to accompany me..... haha does that sound damn dotz?!

anyways.... let's see.... monday was just another horrible day..... training was worse.... we did the squat thingy again.... except this time is for ALL the footwork.... sucks.... after that my legs felt wobbly.... hahaha....

and then on tuesday i almost died walking up and ESP down the stairs.... CNY mass was okay? but i'm seriosly sick of lion dances..... hee.... thought we were gonna have gm and cm.... but it was brought forward and by the time we(4/3 prefects) got there, gm ended.... and cm cancelled....

so went with germs and chinchye to delifrance to eat.... i wasn't hungry.... so i ate less.... haha germaine ate half of mine share and her own.... which makes it like this.... junchyi:sherms:germaine(i wont make it rhyme)=0:1:3.... hahaha.... we talked loads of crap, which germaine dint understand almost everything? heh.... it's like normally if u dun geddit then we'll laugh.... but for germaine when she does get it FINALLY jun chyi and i find it so amazing that we'll laugh.... hee... sheesh.... junchyi and sherms: germaine u can just kill us and spare us of all these... it was really horrible.. and they keep on asking me to pon training....

luckily i dint succumb to temptations but i'm dying now..... totally cant picture how i'm gonna walk down the stairs when i'm wearing * later.... yupp.. where's everyone? i wanna talk.... esp to my darling.... i'm bored.... okies... i shall go now and tag tag tag.... yuppies! oh yeah.... and

must be in red larhs.... auspiscious.... did i get the spelling right? haha who cares... anyways enjoy your break pple..... and dun get sick or fat eating too much goodies!
P.S. i almost forgot! u ah ma jelly better eat regularly and properly.... talk bout me.... you're worse k.... go on diet- i nvr! AND.... cut your nails b4 coming back to sch if not ethel and i will haunt u....

me to you @ 11:52 AM
Sunday, February 06, 2005

reply tags!!!

drea- i love you too gurl! today's super cool...will u forget it? i'm sure i wont.... =) tc. =hugs= love.

chinchye- lam learnt wad from u? wad did she say? haha i have short term memory.... tc darling.... we must have lunch like next next thurs k? =huggies= love.

lam- yo! surprisingly she dint kill me.... instead she's even much nicer! haha i dunno why but i feel like saying ms yap rawks! hee.... =P i dun really get wad u're saying in the tag.... but u're damn weird too.... u say that they are damn diao to be fighting to be at the top but u wanna be top too?!! hahahaha.... you're so silly.... tc gurl. love.

jes- rightt.... u're quite bad to our own ij girls.... okay we'll go and eat someday! yupp u can flood it i dun mind..... =) i tagged your board again! tc. love ya woman. =huggies=

grace- hee thanks jie!!! =P

okay i know it's like abit late to write a 2nd feb entry on 9th feb.... but oh wellz.... had quite a great time selling chocolates today.... really fun! went with jes, nicole y and drea.... but after that had gastric... oops! i know alot of u are gonna kill me for not eating YET AGAIN... i'm sorry guys.... it was just too early and there was nth to eat! fine it's not an excuse but i'll try to eat more often? hahah.... went for mass with ethel, nicole y and drea... the songs were SOOOO slow..... seriously.... hahas....

went to billy bombers/bomers for lunch? i cant remember which.... haha all i know trying to figure out the name's driving me bonkers..... hee.... we were the only pple there and thank god for that.... if u just heard how much noise we made u would have thought it was almost full....... we ordered half a spring chicken, potato salad(thanks to ethel) and cheese fries..... we were on a treasure hunt? for cheese fries w/o cheese? haha that was cos ethel dint like cheese and it's fattening.... gosh.... and later when the spring chicken came it was along with normal fries.... quite dumb.... and we had two drinks.... i only remember one was pink pussy cat.... sounds sick right? but it's quite nice larhs.... another one was a carbonated almost tasteless thingy.... haha and when we added apple juice to both it tasted nicer? haha so we joked that we can all work in bars and become cocktail mixers.... everything just add apple juice? hahahaha....

yupp den went to take neos.... wadeva k junchyi.... humph.... the neos were superb.... except for the RED background...... but ethel wanted PINK? luckily we dint get that.... hee okies lah enuff of blogging alr.... quite tired.... gtg guys.... love.

me to you @ 6:03 PM